An important committee of the Scarboro Community Association (SCA) Board is the Planning Committee. This committee’s mandate is to sustain and enhance the character of the neighbourhood.
This includes maintaining the ambiance and design of Scarboro as an originally planned Olmsted residential community so that it adheres to the George Anderson Caveat. The Planning Committee plays an active role in the Development Review Process.
On an ongoing basis, the SCA Planning Committee provides advice and feedback to:
Residents of Scarboro in relation to the George Anderson Caveat;
City of Calgary on planning issues that directly or indirectly affect planning and/or development in Scarboro.
The Committee also collaborates with other Calgary Community Association Planning Committees and informs the SCA Board and residents on matters pertaining to planning and development.
Scarboro property owners considering renovations or developments to their property are encouraged to contact the Scarboro Community Association’s Planning Committee to discuss your plans. The Planning Committee will work with you, other Scarboro residents/owners and the city to help during the planning process while ensuring that Scarboro’s unique design and historical character is also retained. Our experience is that earlier discussions and engagement with the community and neighbours result in the best outcomes ensuring that the development process is smoother for all parties.
The Planning Committee is comprised of SCA member volunteers who have an interest in planning and development and maintaining the unique character and Olmsted design of Scarboro.
Contact the Planning Committee at:

George Anderson Caveat
(Restrictive Covenant)
Most properties in Scarboro have a restrictive covenant on the title of their property known as the Anderson Caveat (AC) George Anderson Caveat. The Scarboro Community Association’s Planning Committee and many Scarboro residents, monitor development in the community to ensure that it complies with the AC.

Ac Enforcement Fund Guidelines.
In 2022, the Scarboro Community Association established an Anderson Caveat Enforcement Fund. The AC Enforcement Fund was designed to enable the community to raise funds to support the enforcement of the AC and any infractions. The SCA Board decides how and when these funds will be used.

Development Permit Review Process.
The SCA Planning Committee receives notifications from the City for new “discretionary” development permit applications that affect Scarboro so that we may help facilitate discussions between neighbours and share summaries of these discussions with the City. The City considers these comments when determining whether to approve the development application.
West Elbow Local Area Plan.
The City of Calgary is developing a number Local Area Plans (LAPs) in collaboration with Calgary communities. Communities affected by these plans are being invited to participate in the planning process. Scarboro will be part of the West Elbow LAP along with 15 other inner-city communities. The West Elbow LAP process has not yet started. Anyone interested in participating can contact the Planning Committee.

Additional Questions.
Contact the Planning Committee by emailing